International Schools

Considering an International School? Here are a Few Reasons Parents Like You Recommend It

Being part of the expatriate community means learning new things all the time. For parents, it can mean learning how different the process of educating your child is when you reside internationally. That can be scary for many families, which is why they often are either under-involved in the process or choose to keep complete control by homeschooling their children.

There is obviously no right or wrong way to educate your child. But if you are hoping to find a middle ground choice between having to do everything yourself and having no idea what’s going on with their education or what quality it might be, you’re in luck. International schools offer top-notch education for families who want to be involved with their child’s experience but also want their kids to learn to stand on their own two feet and socialize and collaborate with peers. 

Not sure if international schools are for your expat family? Here are a few more reasons why families just like yours are choosing international schooling for their kids – and why your child might be best served by these institutions, too!

Many International Schools Offer Boarding Opportunities 

For parents who choose international schools, the draw is often boarding opportunities. No parent likes to be away from their child for an extended period, but boarding schools offer immersive learning environments that benefit children in ways that traditional schooling simply can’t. 

Weekends and evenings in boarding environments are all part of the learning experience. While children are only actively engaged in traditional coursework during the typical schooling hours, these schools give them opportunities to continue learning and growing outside the classroom – something they already do naturally. They also offer better focus and improved social development for students, who graduate from these academies much more prepared to forge ahead into adult life. Whether their next step is university or the workforce, this is an advantage that no parent can deny!

With and Without Boarding, International Schools Offer Well-Rounded Education

Not sure boarding is something you’re interested in for your child? That’s okay – there are plenty of international schools with traditional school day schedules, too. 

This is especially true in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many international schools to rethink and reshape the way they educate students. Luckily, few schools have been as capable of handling this challenge as these specialized institutions; they have been innovating and adapting to meet the needs of expat families since long before the year 2020 and will continue to do so well beyond. 

Even without the benefits of boarding, these schools still offer some of the most well-rounded education for children available today. From arts and technology, cutting-edge science to physical activity, foreign language to traditional cultural crafts, and more – the best way to foster an appreciation of everything the modern world has to offer your child is to send them to an international school.

International Schools Prepare Students for Life in the Real World

One of the main goals of secondary education is to prepare students for the next step. Whether this takes the form of university study, entry into the workforce, military service, or something else, there is a path toward success in the international school curriculum.

These schools often offer opportunities to see and experience life in real workplaces. They partner with community programs to help children observe charity work and military outreach. They offer exclusive chances for kids to get hands-on experience in the local culture, all while providing the global perspective that expatriate families want for their children. It’s a great way for kids today to learn about the world now – and prepare for the world of tomorrow. 

What Should You Look for in an International School?

Now that you know some of the many reasons to consider an Abu Dhabi international school, you might be wondering how to narrow down your options. Some of the things parents seek when choosing the right school for their children include: 

  • Partnership with local people and community programs – This fosters an appreciation for the local culture in your child while helping them better understand their place in the world.
  • Great teachers and staff – The people who will be in charge of caring for and educating your child matter. Take time to examine who they are and what they can provide. 
  • Curricula based in globally-standardized systems – Expatriate families, may not stay in the same place forever. That means they need educational programs that can travel alongside their child if they move. Look for a school that offers a globally-accepted formula for their curriculum. This will make any moves in the future easier and help your child retain more of what they learn along the way.
  • Academic excellence – Of course, every family wants their child to go to a school that will help them achieve their goals and provide an excellent education. Perhaps nowhere is better suited to do this than the international school near you!

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