Cancer Monthly Horoscope for January 2021

Life with the coming year will be turned into a pleasant journey where you will meet a number of surprises. You are more likely to change your place or your job; you may be shifted to a new city that will make you experience various changes. Both your professional and personal life would speak a positive impact because of these changes. Overall you would enjoy the surprises this New Year has planned for you.

You will have the support of your spouse and your seniors. You will have the divine blessing of the planets Jupiter, the Sun, and Saturn. The support from all directions will also make you realize the importance of relationships and connections.

Now let’s dig a bit deeper to reveal what exactly different areas of your life look like in the coming year-

Love & Relationships

This year your focus would be on your romantic life, that you would try all ways to please your spouse and keep them happy. It can be anything from buying them stuff to changing the décor of the home. You would want some quality time with your partner; however, be a bit cautious too, as some health conditions may come in the way, and your love life might get affected.

Also, impressing your partner and maintaining harmony in a relationship won’t come that easy because of the position of Venus. So make some extra effort; at the same time, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun are on your side.


As stated, Venus will be in your 6th house. It means you may develop some health issues, or there may be some discomforts with your spouse’s health that you would spend on maintaining their health. A Cancer Moon Sign would also make some additional expenditures too.

That is why you should make your budget beforehand and put attention toward saving money, so when the time comes, you will be all ready. In January month, don’t think about risky investments or lending money to someone.


In your personal life as well as professional, your elders or family member will play a pivot role. This year would bring you a lot of growth on the professional front, and you would enjoy all those work-related travels.

Have an ear to whatever your elders say because their advice may be lifesaving. Your spouse may also become your guide who can support you during decision making.


This year Cancerians are going to witness huge growth if they are into the partnership business. The beautiful planets Saturn and Jupiter, along with Sun, are the ones who will come forward for your expansion and save you a fortune. You may also get some deals from the far lands; however, it is advised that no matter how much money you lock and offers you receive, don’t let egoism ruin things.

It is also advised that you do not become a victim as a result of excitement. When a deal is offered, check thoroughly for all the papers and what is written inside. Only when you are completely satisfied make the signatures.


Health-wise, too, both Jupiter and Sun are playing a major role. You will savor the taste of best health in the coming year that will also save you expenses if Venus in the 6th house doesn’t trouble you much. So with the blessings of the benefic planets, you would not develop any major health issues. However, as they say, “it is better to take precaution than cure.”

Saying that, take care of your health by following a balanced diet. Include some physical activities into your routine and rely on junk food only once a month.


Perhaps the past few weeks were a bit of a hassle for you, but the time will change, and you will be able to solve many conflicts and obstructions from your path. Students will achieve their academic goals, and those who are planning for higher education will succeed. The same is true for those who are into creative fields or competitive exams.

You would maintain a nice balance in everything; however, keep the effort consistent until you come to fruition.

Additionally, there are a few dates which are going to be good and not so good for you:

Auspicious dates: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 31.

Inauspicious dates: 1,2,3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

If you want to be sure about your moon sign, make use of the moon sign calculator.

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