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All food is made up of chemical substances

Chemicals are a basic part of everything in the world. All living things, including people, animals and plants, are made up of chemicals. All food is made of chemicals. Most of the chemicals in food are harmless and often desirable – for example, nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibers are made up of compounds. Many of them are natural and contribute to our diet and eating experience.

However, chemicals may have a variety of toxicological properties, some of which may affect humans and animals. Usually, they are harmless unless we are exposed to them at high levels for a long time. Scientists prevent these harmful effects by determining safety levels. This scientific proposal provides information to decision makers who regulate the use of chemicals in food or try to limit their presence in the food chain.

Chemical play an important role in food production and preservation. For example, food additives can extend the shelf life of food; others, such as color, can make food more attractive. Seasoning is used to make food more delicious. Food supplements are used as a source of nutrition.

Materials, such as bottles and containers, which can be used to improve food handling, such as containers and containers, can be used to improve food handling. Other chemicals can be used to control diseases of farm animals or crops, or chemicals caused by production processes such as heating / cooking or decontamination are sometimes found in food.

Some plants and fungi can produce toxins and pollute crops, which has become a health problem for human and animals. People may also be exposed to various degrees of natural and man-made compounds present in the environment, such as soil, water and atmosphere. For example, industrial pollutants such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls. Various metals can exist naturally in the environment or as a result of human activities.

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