How often do you get more anxious about finding a good topic than writing about it?

Regular writers will relate to this point. The online world is full of creators and writers pushing new content every day. There is an unrelenting pressure to bring out new content that makes a real difference.

When you are working within a niche, there will come a time when you run out of topics. This is especially the case when you have a high publishing frequency.

You can easily build an app for your blog with a mobile app builder like AppMySite. The challenge is to keep writing good content and bringing your readers back to the app.

In this piece, we cover some tips you can use to find new content ideas for your blogging app.

#1 – Play the trends

One niche where there is always new content is news. News media platforms always find a way to create new content and keep their audience engaged.

You would never get the sense that a new website or app is running out of ideas to create content on.

You may argue that news channels can always tap into popular trends and make content on it.

The real question is this – why can’t you do the same?

Your readers are not isolated personalities who only come on your app. They have other interests as well. You can tap into popular topics that are making the news and keep your content going.

Let’s assume you have a blogging app discussing the various ways people can make money online. You can latch onto popular news stories related to Wall Street Bets and Robinhood to engage your readers and find a plethora of new topics.

Never be afraid to try out a new content strategy. The beauty of writing content online is that you can always roll back in case something doesn’t work out.

Keep experimenting with different side topics to engage your readers and widen your scope of content.

#2 – Take inspiration from competitors

You can’t always beat your competitors when it comes to creating good content. There will always be times when a competitor outdoes your own content and poses a serious challenge.

If you can’t beat it, join it.

This saying is applicable to content as well. You should be open to appreciating good content when you find it and taking inspiration.

This doesn’t mean you should simply copy your competitors. The idea is to take inspiration from good content and reintroduce it in your own style.

The earlier example of news platforms is quite apt here. Different news channels generally cover the same story, but each takes a different approach.

The audience doesn’t mind either because they get a different perspective every time they turn a channel or visit another app or website.

Study your competitors and find topics that you reintroduce in a new light with a fresh perspective.

#3 – User feedback

You must already have experience promoting your app content on social media. Overtime, your followers will start responding to your content with their own takes.

These comments serve as great feedback for your content team.

Let’s assume you are writing blog content for an ecommerce app. Some users are unaware about a new feature and your customer support team has to spell out the use of the feature on every sales call.

You can write a comprehensive article on the use of this feature and directly educate your customers. Thus, acting on user feedback can help you find new and relevant topics for your target audience.

#4 -Start inviting guest authors

Content teams can often become echo chambers. This is because they slowly start to think similarly when it comes to choosing topics to cover content.

This is a big reason many websites start inviting guest posts once they reach a stable user base. Guest authors bring a new perspective and style to your app with a different approach to content.

Another great benefit of inviting guest authors is building a network of writers interested in contributing content to your website.

Building a community is a great way to create a brand around your blogging app. You can also incentivize guest authors to regularly contribute content by helping them monetize their readership.

In conclusion

Starting a blogging app is fairly easy. You only need a reliable and free online app maker to start an app for your blog.

The real challenge is writing good content to grow app engagement. This piece covers four ways you can use to create fresh and unique content for your blogging app.

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