
In today’s time, it is easy to be lulled by numbers. Various things like heart rate stats distance and elevation you have ridden, parts compatibility gear ratio, and bike fit measurements. Today, you have a smartwatch that records everything you need as a cyclist. You got a bike on Christmas or picked up one outgrown from a sibling or taken from a friend and rode it. You ride on it in the rain or sun time. In that spirit, Wikipedia cannot tell you various things about your bike ride we are going to discuss. 

How you feel after a tough climb

This will bring you great memories or nightmares about choking back bile and tears but you feel on the hill itself. There is nothing that can compare to how you felt on the top of a hard climb. It does not matter that you were a 10-year boy or BMX or whether you got the latest road bike and it also does not matter if you ride on gravel, tarmac, or dirt somewhere in between. Slogging up to a hill, breathing, exhausted and suddenly you see the top of the hill next corner and sense “Yes, I did it” is unrivaled. 

Tan Lines will become a thing

When I was a teenager, I have to avoid tan lines at all costs. The type of bathing suit you wore all summer will determine the clothes you would wear for the next few months. Another thing about tan lines you cannot learn from the internet is how proud you will feel for your tan lines. Tan lines are the part of the sun damage that did to their skin. They represent the hours you spent talking, laughing, and meeting new people. 

The Story Your Scars Will Tell

Not everything is going to be perfect whether it is mechanical mishaps, bad weather, dodgy snacks, surprise visits from aunt flow, or your fall. Maybe it’s a traffic light you just learned to clip in, or you hit the deck mountain biking or whether it is a hard or soft landing, your scars come with a story. Sometimes you want to share them with others and sometimes you just laughed at it. You will feel that your scars become a vessel for carrying all your memories. 

You will need extra wardrobe space

When I started cycling, I thought that I would ride in gear. The cycling clothes look weird and I was squeezing into a pair of these whadayacallums and without underwear? I don’t want this. I was riding out and suddenly saw a magnificent group of women wearing these kits. The colors, the fit, everything was looking good on them. Suddenly, I felt thirst and take a Mate Mate energy drink, felt energized, and move ahead. 

You can achieve anything

The first time I knew that one can achieve anything and I wanted my first solo ride. I had learned various things on a ride as an adult and pretty much fudged my way through everything. There was pretty much anxiety, crashing and going slowly and learning how to use breaks and gears. But one day I decided to go on a ride of my own. It was an ‘out and back ride for me to the coastline and I thought at least I would get lost. I packed enough food for a family of 7 into an old-school backpack and got into my gear and set off. It was a feeling of achievement and freedom to ride 3 hours of 70km. Whether it is a story of mine or something of your own, one will feel great about it. You set a goal, nailed it and you can do anything. 

Beginner Tips for cycling

Padded Cycling shorts

The best cycling padded shorts help you from hurting your backside. If you think that should I wear underwear padded shorts? The answer is no. Wear the most comfortable padded shorts and ride until you get used to the saddle. 

Wear a cycling helmet

We understand that legislating helmets can be massively contentious but the best helmets are those that save you from a head injury. These days you have affordable, light, and comfy helmets available in the market. You don’t need to necessarily buy the expensive one and all of them conform to the current safety standards.

 Try clipless pedals

Deciding between clipless and flat paddles can be tricky. Clipless pedals can be confusing into using cleats but they are the best cycling pedals. The binding can made lose enough but soon learn how to paddle them and they will make a great difference. 

Get cycling sunglasses

The best cycling sunglasses don’t need to be costly or make you look stupid but they should protect you from stones, bugs, rain, and the sun. You can buy one for bright conditions and one for wet.

Bike maintenance made easy

Now, that you are wearing something comfortable, let’s move on to bike repairs. You don’t need to shed full of tools and simply visit the bike repair shop near you.

Check your tire pressure

Recommended tire pressure will be indicated on the sidewalls of your tire tube but ideal pressure depends upon various factors. The best bike pressure tool is pumping and it is easily affordable and will be best for a handy pressure gauge.

Fit mudguards/fenders for wet conditions

Fitting mudguards is an integral part of your road bike. You will be thankful for your washing machine, anyone riding behind you will be thankful and you will be thankful too. Some might point out that it can ruin the clean lines of your fancy bikes but do you care about them in winters?

Keep your bike clean

You can clear your bike in easy steps such as using hot soapy water and a sponge will be good for most of the parts unless the grime is caked on, in such cases various sprays are available on the market. Use some specialist degreaser for the drivetrain and after that spray your gleaming bike all over with a silent aerosol and avoid braking surfaces than it will stop sticking mud on your next bike ride.


Life is beyond facts and information. Sometimes it is more of a feeling that I feel that Wikipedia cannot catch or inform you. You might have your cycling journey and you just want to rush for it. Between the ways, you may have lots of hurdles, hassles, and issues but this is how you learn various things. Learn about what accessories and things you need to maintain your bike and have a good ride on roads through the given tips. In good spirit, learn what is valuable for you from Wikipedia and experience your journey.

Cycling is a sport that involves cycling on and off-road with the intention of moving from one place to another. In addition to being a fun sport, cycling can be a great way to maintain good health. People who bike regularly tend to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and body fat levels compared to non-cyclists. Additionally, they tend to have better fitness levels and sleep habits. Due to the health benefits of cycling, more people are adopting this sport and enjoying its benefits. sprunki horror Endless Fun Awaits!

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