
For keeping your sensitive data safe you can not trust anybody in this modern age of technology. In spite of the fact that data is kept by you at some suitable place it can be breached any time. If you want to prevent this then you have to take the right measures for it.

For storing the data there is no need to use hard drives. Cloud storage makes it much easier to maintain a backup of data. The Internet can be used on any device for accessing the data. A lot of choices are available like iCloud and Gmail. Data security is the main purpose of cloud storage.

Sometimes poor encryption and short passwords are the main cause for this and security systems can not be made responsible for data breaching and hacking.

Now I am going to tell you 8 effective tips to help secure your cloud data.  

1.You should maintain a backup of your data – It is an important step if you want to manage the information. If internet connection is not available then you can use hard disks thumb drives for storing the information externally. Later on, cloud storage allows you to store physical copies and electronic copies of the information.

2.Storing sensitive data must be avoided – Cloud storage can be used if you want to store secret files and private data. But can it guarantee for the online privacy of your information? You will always like to prevent yourself from blackmailing, hacking, identity theft and several other issues. You should not trust cloud storage for keeping the sensitive information. If the sensitive information needs to be stored and online accounts having passwords are used for some documents then these should not be uploaded in the cloud storage. A person who is interested in regularly accessing his files can keep them safe in the cloud.

3.Cloud services for data encryption must be used – Your information can be encrypted locally by using some cloud services that are reputable also. By doing this the privacy of the information can be improved very easily. It can be accessed only by decrypting, so we can say that a further layer of security is added. Encryption of information takes some time but it is very helpful for keeping the data protected.

4.Before putting the data on the cloud you should encrypt it – Data encryption can be done by using a third-party tool if you do not want to take the services of cloud for this purpose. Some password enabled apps for cloud protection can be downloaded by you. Reassurance and extra security of the files is possible if you encrypt them.

5.Fine print must always be read by you – A very good appealing feature is that the files can be shared with your friends and some more people also by using the services of cloud. A fine print mentioning a catch for using these services can be used. Reading of privacy policies can be a tough task for you. Still it has to be done by you. It will be very good for you if you have some extra knowledge about cloud services.

6.A strong password must be used along with a two-step verification – You can keep yourself protected from hackers by using a good password. You have to ensure that hackers can’t crack the password and for that it must be distinctive and strong. Your several accounts must not be using the same password and this should be frequently changed by you. The cloud services can give you various options for logging in and with this a two-step verification can also be used. Here your mobile phone receives a verification code and this makes the option more secure.

7.Your online behavior should be under control – The privacy of your information is considered if you are using the computer systems or a WiFi connection that is public is used by you or an online interaction is done by you. All these have significant importance for keeping the cloud data secure. If a public connection is used to access the cloud data then it is not good for you. It must be avoided. If it is done by you then hackers can easily get your information because encryption is not done in the connections that are public.

8.Anti-Spy Software and Antivirus must be used by you – The computer system used by you can not always remain in a state to use cloud services. It is because regular updates are given by the providers of cloud service for giving your information a good security. Your account can be accessed by the hackers and they can send viruses and bugs in it. So, your computer system needs protection.

The right software is required to give protection to the system. Bugs can be easily detected and removed by using it.

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