Boost Your Team Productivity – 4 Best Practice and Rewards for Remote Workers

Managing remote workers can be difficult if you aren’t prepared. Yet more and more companies are hiring workers in this capacity and it doesn’t seem like it’ll slow down anytime soon. So you might as well get to know some remote worker -related best practices and rewards if you are taking your team in this direction.

Time tracking is always critical when dealing with remote workers. Your best bet is to find an app to meet your needs. A popular option can be found at It allows remote employees “clock in” and “clock out” from anywhere in the world. It generates payroll reports and reports for productivity and it makes managing these workers much easier.

We have other best practices that we’d like to tell you about. So please grab a cup of coffee, relax, and discover the truth below.

Best Practice #1: Making the Most of Team Productivity

If you’re remote working situation is going to go smoothly, you’ll need to maximize productivity every step of the way. And the best way to maximize productivity is to create a system and provide rewards to those who follow it.

As an example, you should have a dedicated schedule for your remote workers. Have them work for 90 minutes at a time and then reward them with a break. By setting their work schedule in chunks, they’ll be able to get a lot done in the dedicated time. They’ll also feel good about their rewarding 15 to 20 minute break in between assigned tasks on their schedule.

Best Practice #2: Keeping Your Team Connected

In a remote working environment, your team needs to stay connected. Sure, they can send email messages back and forth, but is this really efficient? Some remote workers might not check their email regularly and hours could go by before they get around to it. This is wasted time that you cannot afford to lose in a remote team situation.

It’s best to set up a dedicated channel for your team on Slack. This way, everyone will be able to instantly communicate with one another and get answers to their most pressing questions right away. Plus, your teammates will have an easier time getting to know one another this way, which they’ll find very rewarding as these new acquaintances eventually become their friends.

Best Practice #3: Taking on Extra Work to Improve Team Morale

This next best practice can benefit everyone whether you’re a manager, a business owner, or a remote employee. If the team is struggling to meet project deadlines, you can offer your services to take on additional tasks to help the project move forward. Not only will you feel good about your additional contribution, you’ll feel rewarded because you’ll create strong relationships with your coworkers and other team members.

Sometimes it feels good to raise your hand and step up to the plate to help everyone out. And you never know, because your boss might reward you with added pay, overtime money, or a bonus at the end of the project.

Best Practice #4: Celebrate As a Team

When working on a remote team, you can’t celebrate wins and victories the same way you would in an office environment. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate altogether. Maybe your remote workers are working while traveling, or being located in another part of the world so it look like it’s not possible to “gather”. On the contrary, it’s important to make sure the team praise is one another for their accomplishments. Better yet, you can host video conferencing and congratulate one another “face-to-face” online to celebrate your victories and congratulate one another for a job well done.

In Closing

You might not realize it, but it’s very easy for a remote team to lose steam. When this happens, productivity definitely suffers. So it’s wise to have team productivity best practices in place at all times. And even more important, remember to reward each other and celebrate your victories together to keep morale up and productivity at its peak.

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