badder vs sugar

Badder, Sugar, & Flower Are You Buds – How Weed Helps Cancer-Stricken Souls In Need

There is a lot of debate that circles these marijuana products. Whether it is badder, sugar, cannabis oil, flowers, stems, or leaves, all of them have a vast array of therapeutic benefits that are gradually being understood by a whole new generation of people. They have understood that cannabis has a very long history of being a medicinal plant. Experts say that its use dates back to more than 2 millennia.

You will find several healthcare providers today in the US that actively prescribe cannabinoids and THC-infused medications. The reason is that they are an active ingredient when it comes to managing pain, stress, emotional trauma, and a lot of other chronic illnesses.

1. Manage Your Pain Better

Both regular and cancer patients have reported a significant decline in their pain and stress after using products such as badder concentrates and sugar. You do not have to get into the badder vs sugar debate. All these products have been found capable of replacing the use of conventional pain medications easily. Medical cannabis, in many studies, has been associated with a nearly 64% reduction in opioid use which is a significant development.

2. Helpful In Cancer Treatment As A Whole

Cancer is a very broad term. When we use this word we usually associate it with a wide variety of diseases that are characterized by several abnormal health conditions. The biological disorder itself is very challenging to deal with and is primarily in the form of a tumor or unregulated division of harmful cells. Cancer is also one of the most prominent causes of mortality in the United States. Experts say that the efficacy of cannabis for the treatment of cancer despite being a subject of discussion has come to the fore in several cases since 2016. People have reported reduced pain and better responsiveness to cancer medications after using products such as badder concentrates and cannabis sugar in moderation but regularly.

3. Nausea And Vomiting After Chemotherapy

You will also readily associate the use of weed and THC oil with reduced feelings of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. We very well know that these are two of the most common side effects of chemotherapy agents. Where a wide variety of pharmaceutical interventions and medications fail to combat the feeling of nausea and vomiting, weed or marijuana proves to be a winner. Cannabinoid medications deliver faster results preventing any additional stress or trauma for the cancer patient.

4. Anorexia No More

But this is not it. When we talk about anorexia or weight loss, it is one of the most common side effects of many critical diseases and especially cancer. Experts believe that marijuana helps reduce this problem tremendously leading patients with abnormal weight loss to a normal way of life faster than traditional medication.


Some medical practitioners, doctors, and surgeons may find that these claims are rather controversial or a subject of discussion still. It is safe to say that actual people have reported positive results after consuming controlled and monitored amounts of marijuana and medical cannabis, especially when it comes to managing life-threatening diseases like cancer.

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