Contract Automation

While you may be used to signing up a contract or agreement in person, this has changed with the new coronavirus pandemic. With many businesses closed and individuals working from home, there is a need to find a solution.

There’s no question that contracts and agreements are a part of every business. So, it’s impossible to avoid them for more than one year. This means that you need to look at other solutions like contract automation.

One of the things that you may not know about contracts and agreements is that they can be inefficient in terms of delaying valuable projects, delivering poor customer experiences, getting revenue delays, and even adding costs related to printing, mailing, and faxing.

4 Benefits Of Contract Automation:

Faster Time To Revenue:

One of the main benefits of using contact automation is the fact that it will be faster to get your revenues.

Overall speaking, a delayed sales contract equals delayed revenue. On the other hand, when you automate contract workflows, you can simply decrease the time spent from weeks to minutes. This means getting your revenue a lot faster.

If you’re not yet convinced, just acknowledge that too complicated processes may lead to abandonment. And this is certainly something you want to avoid.

When you use automated contracts, it will be easier and faster to prepare contracts, agree on terms and execute when all parties can access a contract from anywhere, on nearly any device. In addition, your legal teams are more productive, your sales teams are freed up to prospect, upsell and cross-sell; and no one is tied up for hours doing yesterday’s work of printing out marked-up copies or faxing.

Get An Improved Contract Value:

While you may be thinking about increased sales, marketing, or manufacturing productivity, you need to also think about the value that you can drive from your contracts.

The reality is that automated contracts eliminate lapses in renewals, create uniformity in pricing, terms, and performance specifications, and call attention to upcoming expiration dates. This means you’ll get more value from every contract your teams execute.

Ultimately, when your business doesn’t have a contract, you are left with contract leakage. Over time, the lost value impacts profitability.

Greater Compliance:

According to a 2017 survey of businesses, the average annual cost of compliance was around $3 trillion, while the average cost of non-compliance was almost three times higher, at $5.7 trillion by 2030

However, when you decide to use contract automation, you’ll be able to create templates and standard clauses that not only save you a lot of time as well as they prevent compliance errors.

When you fall out of compliance risk, you’ll start experiencing delays, cancellations, damaged reputations, and reduced investor confidence.

It’s also important to keep in mind that contract lifecycle management can alert you to required changes, avoiding expensive fines and penalties.

When weighing the cost and benefits, it’s clear that you need everything in your power to contractually support your compliance efforts. This means you need contract automation.

Better Customer Experience:

The experience a business provides is as important as its products or services for most consumers. So, it’s not a big surprise that more and more businesses are investing heavily in their sales teams and processes. However, this isn’t enough since they are still failing at the contract stage.

Overall speaking, automated contracts quickly and effortlessly push customers past the finish line.

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