Various high frequency injury procedures have proven to be invaluable in managing pain on a daily basis. It is the best treatment for different types of back pain, including trigeminal neuralgia, various cancers, back pain, and neck pain.

Radio frequency (RF) damage involves the passage of very high frequency currents through a 27G thermocouple probe. This probe passes through an insulated 20 / 22G cannula (a type of needle) except for the tip. As high frequency alternating current (300 kHz) passes through the RF thermocouple probe, charged ions in human cells move back and forth around the open end of the RF cannula. Generates electromechanical friction and generates heat. The thermocouple probe does not heat itself, but actually releases the heat generated by the surrounding tissue. Therefore, the heat is completely controlled by the operator. The lesion is shaped like a matchbox with a diameter of 2-4 mm

Radio frequency (RF) damage involves the passage of very high frequency currents through a 27G thermocouple probe. This probe passes through an insulated 20 / 22G cannula (a type of needle) except for the tip. As high frequency alternating current (300 kHz) passes through the RF thermocouple probe, charged ions in human cells move back and forth around the open end of the RF cannula. Generates electromechanical friction and generates heat. The thermocouple probe does not heat itself, but actually releases the heat generated by the surrounding tissue. Therefore, the heat is completely controlled by the operator. The lesion is shaped like a matchbox with a diameter of 2-4 mm hz generator . Beyond this distance; the electric field is scattered and weak and not injured.

. Beyond this distance; the electric field is scattered and weak and not injured.

The temperature around the shaft, and therefore the temperature, is high and low at its tip. On the other hand, the electric field generated is maximum at its tip and minimum around the shaft. Make a heat lotion with a conventional RF rhizotomy type. Pulsed RF creates lesions in the electric field. The pulsed RF temperature does not rise above 42 ° C. The electric field creates a small punch in a capacitor of small diameter nociceptive (pain-transmitting) fibers. This will stop the signal transmission over this fiber.

Traditionally, nerves are regenerated in the future and the average painless period depends on the type of nerve. The duration of pain in a properly administered lesion is 3-4 years. The average pain-free period of pulse RF is 4 to 24 months.

Traditional RF rhizotomy is performed entirely on the sympathetic ganglia and / primarily on the sensory nerves. Always avoided in mixed nerves or primarily motor nerves. Traditional RF injuries involve radiation and electrical examinations to exclude the probe from these nerves before performing the actual injury. Typical conventional RF rhiztomy is performed on the following nerves:

  1. The trigeminal ganglion and its divisions, the mandibular and maxillary nerves.
  2. Stellate ganglion
  3. Medial branch of cervical facet joint
  4. Medial branch of the thoracic facet joint
  5. Visceral nerve
  6. Lumbar sympathetic plexus
  7. Upper abdominal plexus
  8. Lumber facet joint inner branch
  9. Sacroiliac joint distribution nerve

It is safe to do this for most nerves, as pulsed RF has no thermal exudation. Most effective for the nervous system and trunk. This can be done with all steps except the trigeminal ganglion. This is mainly indicated by the dorsal root ganglion anastomosis. It is also applied to complex peripheral nerves such as the suprascapular nerve.

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