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LTR magazine– tech blog and news magazine for reviews. Latest technical reviews of gadgets, technology, movies, software, electronics, trending news, more.
Reviews of Latest Technology And Gadgets
What is LTR Magazine all about? It is a Tech Blog For Reviews, Car Tech, New Technology, Best Buy Deals, Black Friday Deals, Cyber Monday Deals and Free/Paid Guest Blogging.
( Latest Technical Reviews).
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Our Tech Reviews tells you what’s new in technology, gadgets, science, movies, automobiles, why it matters, how it works and what you need.
Reviews on our website are genuinely written by LTR magazine team or Guest blogger from across the globe. You can start writing reviews here for FREE/PAID GUEST BLOGGING, both options are available.
Latest Technical Reviews – ( LTR Magazine) is about reviews of latest technology, gadgets and other trending tech that are really useful. And our technical-reviews can help people finding best products they are looking for.
Here, you can find technical reviews written by expert guest bloggers using our free guest posting program.
And most of the review articles written on LTR Magazine are guest posts. So, if you find anything good you can appreciate the author or if you don’t find the value in any article you can simply comment your views or feedback. We would definitely improve our review and rating options.
We’re deliberately passionate about it. So we’ll tell you what we think in a fair, unbiased way. That’s what we’re about.
We’re able to promise this because LTR magazine is the India-based consumer technology news and reviews site (and now rapidly growing in the US, UK and Australia), our editorial independence backed by the weight of technology publisher Future plus objective test data from the team and guest bloggers.
Our experienced writers or expert guest bloggers who operate from our offices in India, keeping privacy policy of people in mind, guarantee of editorial independence as well.
LATEST TECHNICAL REVIEWS will tell you about the coolest new technology stuff. We work hard to bring you original reviews and exclusive deals. We review it thoroughly and carefully. And explain how it works and why you should buy it (or not). Then it’s up to you. Add your own comments and opinions. Review gear for yourself.
There’s no monopoly on the truth here – tell us what you think.
Categories We cover on this blog –
Technology |
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Reviews of Tech |
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Deals in Electronics |
Electronics |
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How do we make money on LTR magazine ( Review Magazine) ?
We share reviews of technology, gadgets and products. And mostly these reviews are done by writers in our team or guest blogger who are really good at their part.
And we charge for sponsored products or paid posts. Our team takes care about the details we share as sponsorship and taste of our readers.
Who can write GUEST POSTS on this BLOG?
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Anyone who share the same interest in the niche of categories we have shared above, can ask us for sponsorship. And we welcome paid promotions as well. ( 1 Year)
You can direct pay and send us details over the mail. ( Given in our contact us page).
Our DIGITAL Partners and Companies
We are really grateful for our digital partners- RANKBREW ( Digital marketing Company Jaipur ) and OKAY DIGITAL MEDIA ( Content creation company ).
Technical Review Team
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Inspirations – TechRadar, Tech crunch, Mashable, Cnet, etc.
I am a professional blogger and writing is my bread & butter. LTR Magazine is what makes me happy about sharing reviews of latest technology and trends.
Jonathan Corbin Blogger
My expertise is in writing on various categories like technology, fashion, entertainment, travel, health, and education. I started my blogging journey 4 years back in 2016.
Ankita Kumari SEO Expert India
Albert Smith is a Digital Marketing Manager with Hidden Brains, a leading Enterprise Web & Mobile App Development Company.
Albert SmithGuest Blogger
I am really passionate about writing and thanks to LTR Magazine for providing the “Guest Blogging platform”, so anyone with good writing skills can share reviews about their business and products.
PaulmarkGuest Blogger
I found LTR Magazine through Google search and since then it has become my favorite website for Guest Blogging and Reviewing gadgets. Thanks the Team.
Sara SmithBlogging Expert