Exempt Business Risks

How to Assess and Exempt Business Risks

Risks are internal or external factors that may impact achieving your business objectives and goals. They are inherent in all businesses at every level and aspect. Multiple kinds of risks can impact a business, such as strategic, financial, operational, compliance, and reputation risks. 

However, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) risks are the most prevalent yet most difficult to pinpoint today. This is where ESG intelligence services can help you mitigate risks effectively, owing to their expertise. Before we delve into it, let us understand what is ESG.

About ESG

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It refers to three essential components that critically assess a company’s performance and potential for long-term success. 

Environmental (E): This component focuses on a company’s environmental impact, including using natural resources, carbon footprint, pollution reduction efforts, and climate change mitigation strategies.

Social (S): This component emphasises a company’s relationships with its stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and communities. It includes labour practices, human rights, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement.

Governance (G): This component deals with a company’s leadership, management, and corporate governance practices, including board composition, executive compensation, audits, and transparency.

These ESG considerations impact a company’s ability to create long-term value and can pose significant risks if not properly managed.

For example, environmental risks such as climate change and resource depletion can disrupt supply chains, damage reputation, and lead to regulatory penalties. 

Social risks such as poor labour practices and lack of diversity can result in talent attraction and retention challenges, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. Governance risks such as weak board oversight and excessive executive compensation can lead to corruption, fraud, and other forms of misconduct, damaging both the company’s reputation and bottom line.

Therefore, organisations must proactively identify, assess, and manage ESG risks to ensure long-term viability and success. By leveraging ESG intelligence services, companies can obtain valuable insights and tools and make informed decisions about managing ESG risks.

How to Identify and Exempt Business Risks?

A true risk analysis can give you a comprehensive view of all potential outcomes of a business decision involving certain risks. That’s why 36% of companies plan to invest more in risk management in the next 2 years.

Here’s how you can conduct a risk assessment: 

Step 1: Diagnose Risks

Identify the situations that can prove to be a risk for your business and take account of the possible damage, depending upon the type of business, geographic location, business function, and more.

Step 2: Define and Document the Scope 

Once identified, list the business risks likely to affect your business in a file or document and find ways to measure the effect of each. Device a measuring system like risk ratios, debt-to-equity ratios, etc., to weigh the impact of each risk. 

Step 3: Designate People to Manage Risks 

Identify and designate authority to individuals who will monitor and manage those risks. Decide the procedure of reporting and have a risk management plan to ensure that the process goes on without hiccups. 

Step 4: Determine Control Procedures

Once you have set up the risk management process, setting a few controls against which the risks would be measured and reduced simultaneously is necessary. Control measures like backup plans and devising protocols based on facts can assure business continuity.

Step 5: Conduct Periodic Reviews

Risk assessment and management is an all-pervasive, persistent process that should be conducted continuously to look for new risks. Regular assessment of business processes can help in anticipating risks implicit in doing business. Thus, it will help take timely measures to prevent or mitigate them. 


Without a proper and timely risk analysis, your business is exposed to heavy loss and damage. So, protect and scale your business with the best ESG intelligence services, like D&B, to identify and assess risks. Have contingency plans ready, and maintain smooth business operations with proper risk management. 

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