According to the census 2015, one out of three people are on social media and two out of three people are using internet. Well, these numbers are huge and we are sure next census that will come will be twice of this.
Social media was developed in late 20th century to make people talk freely and socially with anyone, they want and that one should also be on that website. And now, in 2019 we have seen the census report social media has become the need of people. It is that open gallery which has proved to be a platform for the people those who want to express themselves. From Instagram to YouTube people are free to post what they want. They create and sell content. Most amazing thing about social media is that it’s a bilateral thing that means the content you are making can have a proper feedback. Your audience can comment and complement you and this medium has become a vast thing now.
People are so addictive to this medium that they are posting their regular activities on this media. Before people use to have Facebook status, now they have snap chat, Instagram and YouTube in which they can go live with a video. You can see what people are doing. And with this exponential growth E commerce companies are using this platform the E-commerce website design. Social media is also helping SEO outsourcing company to do the right optimization.
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