6 Essential SEO Strategies For Small Business In 2020

You might hear it every other day that SEO keeps on changing. Of course, this is true as Google keeps on tweaking its algorithm to improve the quality of web searches and offer the customers with relevant and informative search results. Investing in organic SEO is an effective strategy to rank the small businesses on the top of SERPs but it requires hard work and patience. 

Moreover, if you are a small business owner, then you are a single individual who needs to put all the efforts to optimize the website to achieve huge traffic and great brand exposure. 

So, if you are interested in being up-to-date with the world of SEO then let us tell you some SEO tactics that you can implement to increase your brand’s visibility and gain great exposure. 

1. Keyword Research and Optimization

Keyword research and optimization is the utmost crucial step in SEO tactics. You can optimize your content with keywords but when it is about helping the audience to find you easily and get organic clicks on your page then you need to persuade the audience.

Do some homework of researching the search queries and create the metadata with actionable content. As if your metadata is appealing and relevant to your brand then it will improve your ranking on the SERPs and will gain organic clicks. 


  • Research the searched queries relevant to your business and optimize your content including header, meta descriptions using these keywords
  • Avoid keyword stuffing 
  • Create relevant meta tags
  • Use Mid and Long-Tail Keywords

2. Website Navigation

No user likes disorganized websites. So, whenever people search for your website it is very crucial that all the data is showcased in an efficient manner. So, proper placement of navigation bars is important to offer consistency to your site. Not only this but organized website holds the user’s attention. So, if you want to keep the minimum bounce rate and increase the number of visitors on to your site then you need to work on easy navigation and efficient loading of the website. 


  • Make use of anchor text within the keywords
  • Don’t follow the internal links 
  • Improve the site loading speed too

3. Voice Search Optimization

According to many researchers, 50% of the searches will be voice-based by the year 2020. But you are still unaware of how to optimize the website for voice search. It is obvious that users search for short length queries via typing but voice search requires no typing and users ask the questions in long-form. So, using the long-tail question keywords that begin with the how, what when, why, who, and where can help you rank in a better position. 

Ranking on first is not enough as Google sometimes takes the results from position 0 also which points towards the featured snippets. So, it can be beneficial to work on featured snippets so that whenever the user searches for the services or products related to your business then there are more chances of your website to rank on the top. 

4. Local SEO

Location is a major concern that must be considered while implementing SEO. But don’t know what is required for successful local SEO? Updating your GMB page with all the basic information and address is not enough. Make sure your business is to the purpose directory and your brand’s information is consistent on every platform. 

Link building is another important and effective factor to consider as the local business that does not opt good link building faces less or no visibility on the search engines. So, focus on quality link building with reputable blogs and websites to generate a high number of leads. 

5. Mobile Optimization

With the day by day increase in the number of mobile users, the marketers can’t afford to neglect the impact of mobile optimization on use. More people make use of smartphones than desktops or laptops to browse the webpages. Moreover, Google prioritizes the web more on mobile devices now. Therefore, it becomes important to build responsive website designs. Doing so will allow your website to adjust the data in the form of content automatically to a mobile screen. 

Besides the responsive web design, optimizing the images for a website is not enough but you also need to focus on website load speed as slow loading of the webpage increases the bounce rate affecting the SERPs. So, you must work on website loading speed by caching the site’s elements, getting rid of unnecessary redirects, compressing the image’s size, and choosing the fast server for your site hosting. 

6. Complementary Insights

These factors have clearly shown that optimization is not limited to content. Due to the increased use of images, videos, infographics, it has become mandatory to optimize the images also for search engines. 

It is unable for the search engines to read the images so it is more beneficial to make use of alt tags to express your images. Moreover, it is significant to create relevant and concise meta descriptions including the appropriate keywords.

Most importantly, ranking your website locally is only possible if you target the local audience using local keywords used by them to search for queries related to your business. Leverage your geographic location to overcome your competitors and acquire a great online presence. 

Final Thoughts

Give yourself the benefits of implementing these SEO strategies and focusing on offering a great user experience. You might not be able to rank as many as keywords in the beginning but will surely be able to surpass them related to your goals. However, if you find yourself flooded with a variety of SEO strategies and are unable to understand from where to start then there are a number of reliable SEO companies to help you out with your website’s rankings. All the Best!

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