Free Guest Posting

Guest Blogging for Beginners

It is the best guide platform for guest blogging or posting, perhaps if you are a tech guy or looking for better seo results from blogging, you should read this. let’s understand “how to start guest blogging or posting as a beginner?” for free-

Is there a trick to get your blog top in google?

Yes, there are many tricks, which one would work for you, choose wisely.

tech Guest posting on tech Reviews website

Guest Blogging for Beginners Step by Step

  1. Always start with a quality content : Once you approach a website owner for #guestposting always try to convince him with examples of you content. Tell him, ” how quality content added by you can increase the amount of traffic” or some thing like readers will like
  2. Approach wisely: We are sharing some of the best examples that we have-
    Best way to start guest posting today
    And how to approach for your interest, wisely. Take a look-
    Guest posting on tech Reviews website
  3. What if Guest blogging request is rejected?
    Yes, that thing may happen at the very first place. But don’t worry if you don’t fail, you won’t learn. And if you get success in added even 10 guest post a month with quality backlinks targeting you site or blog, that is more than enough.
    These backlinks using guest posting are worth their time, Google gives priority to such links and helps you in ranking on high positions in search results.
  4. follow these steps to approach for Guest posting-
    Step 1. Have a clear niche or content idea about which you want to write.
    Step 2. Write a formal and polite email requesting for Guest posting or blogging.
    Step 3. Attach sample or your work or mention your online content links.
    Step 4. Show your genuine interest though writing.
    Step 5. Ask if you are writing for seo | backlink purpose or otherwise you will add links and get rejected, so ask it upfront.
  5. Simple No?
    Actually if you hit 100 emails you might get 2..3 replies but they are worth you time. And guest posting in 2018 can do more good against your time.

If you are beginners in online marketing or SEO then don’t do these while guest posting-

  • Never copy & paste content of others on the site, this will ruin your benefit also. This is not the right way, it doesn’t drives traffic and also gives bad rank to your content in google ranking, so neither you or your host gets benefit out of it.
  • Never use images from other sites, they may have copyright issues.
  • Be consistent, if you guest blog, then write on a regular basis otherwise your content will be hidden under latest contents. So, be consistent to be at the top and on the list of top you have to add values to them.
  • Over do  : Never write too much that reader may find your writing boring, be short and clear with your ideas, use images, of course not copy right, into your articles so you message may be clear at the very first time.
  • Never forget this one: Always share you article, guest post on your social media like Facebook, twitter, instagram and other. This will give you more audience and faster engagement, ultimately more positive results from google.

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