MINI Countryman

If you find yourself looking for a Mini Cooper on road price in Hyderabad, more often than normal, it means you really want to own one for yourself. But if this is your first car ever, you should be aware of various rules that lead to the safety of you and the others on the road.

In this article, we go through some tips that will allow you to drive your first car carefully. These tips are common and should be known to every person who hits the road more often than normal.

MiniCooper India

Drink and Drive

If you have been partying for some time with your buddies at a bar or a restaurant, you should never think about driving yourself back to your home. It is better that you take a cab or let a friend who is the sober drive you home instead.

Not only is it dangerous to drive while you are under the effect of alcohol, you pose risk to others on the road, and it’s illegal as well. If caught doing the same you might get a hefty fine and will be put in jail as well.


Another dangerous thing while driving your car, is not being focused on the road. You might have something near you that might be distracting you. Most often than not, it is a cell phone or a radio these days.

It’s easy to understand that smartphones have become an important aspect of our lives, but that doesn’t mean you start using it whenever you want. Being distracted for a single minute can lead to a major mishap on the road.

Try to keep these things away as much as you can when you are driving. If you must check the phone or take a call, then it’s better you park the car on the side of the road with your parking indicators and then use your device.


If you have been feeling drowsy for some time, it means your body needs rest and you are not fit to drive on the road. This is as dangerous as driving while being drunk.

If you even zone out for just a few seconds, you could crash into other cars on a small car on the side railing on the highway. This can be dangerous for you and others driving on the road.

This is why it’s necessary that you take proper rest, whenever you feel like you feel sleepy while driving. If you feel this is happening more than it should, you should visit a doctor.

Safety first

Before you start driving around on the main road with your family, always check the safety features beforehand. These things include fuel levels, indicators, windows, doors, handles, and seat belts.

Make sure you and others sitting in the car with you are wearing seat belts whenever you are driving the car. A seat belt comes with a lot of benefits, starting with keeping the drivers and others wearing it intact to the seat instead of hitting around inside the car when it runs into an impact.

MiniCooper Countryman

Follow Traffic Rules

It’s best once you start driving your new car, you should understand what are the different rules that you must follow. These traffic rules are generally placed there by the law and breaking these laws are generally punishable.


Looking at different models of Mini Cooper India might make you buy one for your own garage, but it is vital that you follow all the traffic rules and focus on the safety aspect more than it is advertised.

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