On Wednesday, all electric, self driving Jaguar made its first appearance at New York Auto Show. Wow, Google’s self driving car projects has joined hands with Jaguar to built world’s first, autonomous luxury cars. And Waymo is going to add around 20,000 SUVs to the list of “Waymo services.”

Features, Specifications & Reviews of Self Driving Jaguar

  • Luxury Electric Car
  • Built Under Google’s project of Self driving cars
  • SUV
  • Can get your hands through- Waymo ride sharing app
  • Looks: amazing & has eco- friendly features
    electric, self driving Jaguar
    tech Reviews of electric self driving Jaguar | Everything you need to know.

  • I-Pace electric, self driving Jaguar : It was shown during the auto show but without self driving technology,
    may be company is still working on it or they are not ready to reveal what they have for their customers.
  • Equipped with Jaguar’s Drive control : it takes care of adjustments between steering & acceleration along with noticing climate outside the vehicle.
  • Wow! It comes with an App, this app can help you to lock or unlock the car.
  • App of this car : It can help you to lock, unlock the car and as well as finds location of the car along with fuel status
    And oops if you have left any window open then this app will tell to shut it. So relax and enjoy!
  • I-Pace SUV : capable of serving 1 million trips in a single day, strong enough NO?

tech Reviews of Waymo’s Electric, Self Driving Jaguar

So, your next text driver may be a Robot and you may need not to worry about having cheated in you trip prices. This is gonna a huge problem for taxi drivers, where they will go? what job they might find?

leave this for now, and enjoy the upcoming tech with :D.

How Much Does the Self driving Jaguar Costs?

It is tough to give a price detail ahead of its actual launch, we all need to wait for it. But yes you can have your hands on this vehicle with Waymo car sharing app.

Performance & Interior

Its the product of Luxury car developer – Jagaur, so  there is nothing to worry about the performance. This company has been know for hi-tech fit into its cars but now it would be Electric and Eco- friendly.

Cargo Space- Capacity of 5 with little luggage

Safety | Tech Reviews

Safety test like crash test and highway safety tests are yet not done on this car, as soon as we get details of them we will update you friends. If we talk about self driving car, we need to be more certain that it doesn’t bump into  other without our notice. So, when you take a ride into it, take extra care of yourself.

Please leave feedback or Your own tech Reviews about this car, whats your experience? sprunki horror Endless Fun Awaits!

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