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Tips To Improve The Access Control of Your Building

During the time when access control systems have become a universal requirement from the point of view of safeguarding people and properties, you cannot overlook the importance of installing them in your building too. Here are a few useful tips for homeowners to get the most from their Access Control Austin systems.

Whether you are new to access control systems or have one in your building for so long, it is time to evaluate it for its features and performance so that you are ascertained whether it serves the purpose in the right way. Here are the points you must note in this connection.

Decide the features of your access control system
In the first place, decide what you will need from your access control system and if your current access control Austin system has them. You must delve into the specific features of the system so that you will know if it is good enough to deal with the day-to-day challenges you might face. The points you must note are the areas where you really need a system, the frequency of how many times it will be used in a typical day, how many people will need separate level of access, and how the system can fit in well with the other components of your building.

Decide on the access levels
Remember that not all people need the same kind of access to your building. You must first decide on who will be permitted with what kind of access. Make a review of the entire building’s map to decide what areas will need different kinds of access. While it is always advisable to permit the entry of the entire workforce through one main door, you can decide which different types of employees will need access to different types of building. This is very important to put in place a process and protocol.

Update your technology
Experts in the access control arena recommend that it is not good to use 125 kilohertz technology used by proximity readers. If you are using it, it is better to upgrade it for the latest one. It is very easy to manipulate the 125 kilohertz technology and replicate the cards. Hence building owners and facility managers must go for encrypted technology to get the best kind of protection. Also, it is advisable to set a budget to make a system upgrade at least once in ten years. Remember access control systems are not one-time investment. You must also stay up-to-date on the software and install the updates at least once in a year.

Test the systems periodically
Like you will test the smoke alarms to ensure if they are working properly, you must also perform a periodical test of the access control system. You must ascertain from time to time if all the devices are functioning well. Pay a special attention to perimeter door alarms at least once in a month or once in a quarter. This is probably the only way to ensure everything is working fine.

For more information about Fire Alarm Austin and CCTV Austin Please visit : TriStar Security Services.

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