Conveyor belts have been used for years and have been central to the handling of materials across different industries. For instance, quarries, mining production, construction, and construction employ hot splicing. The process of handling materials has a crucial role in the transportation and handling of heavy materials.

They are a crucial part of industries that have heavy-duty conveyor belts they must function perfectly throughout the day without failing. With minimal downtime, and the maximum output have been a top priority for many manufacturers. The care and maintenance of parts of the conveyor is vital.

The most important component of any conveyor is the splices. The performance and reliability on the conveyor belt are assessed by how well the splices it makes are. However, all splices will be susceptible to wear. The majority of conveyor belt failures occur due to inadequate splicing. This is where the importance of Splicing conveyor belts into the picture. Is it really splicing conveyor belts? What are the steps to take in making splicing strategies for conveyor belts in use in the present?

What is Conveyor Belt Hot Splicing?

The process of splicing a conveyor belt is straightforward as it may seem. Additionally, it is the process of joining two cut ends of a conveyor belt in order to increase overall performance. This is done this procedure whenever a new installation being constructed or when refurbishing programs are in progress.

Conveyor belt hot splicing is accomplishable using a variety of mechanical or chemical processes. These are two well-known conveyor belt splicing techniques used today:

Mechanical Splicing

The technique of mechanical splicing is a highly flexible choice which makes use of an electronic fastener. It’s due to the fact that it makes solid joints. It can be used with all types of belts that have any width, length or thickness, as well as speed. The method of mechanical splicing is ideal for all kinds of belts. As compared to other methods for splicing mechanical fasteners are installed within just a few minutes. We make use of the hammer or an improved installation device that makes the use of electric or air power sources. Mechanical splicing is a method to reduce belt consumption it is compatible with new and older worn belts.

Mechanical conveyor belt splicing can be done at anytime without prior preparation. It doesn’t impact the shelf’s lifespan and their residual or levels of moisture. If you choose to opt for mechanical splicing, be sure the task is performed by a competent person. This is vital to ensure that the splice lasts the longest and the highest efficiency.


It is a complex process that involves chemicals or heat. This process demands not only exact temperature, compression as well as a long dwell. But, it also requires the appropriate equipment, expertise and a safe and controlled atmosphere. This isn’t the case with mechanical splicing.

The entire process of Vulcanizing a belt takes several hours. We also require meticulous preparation prior to beginning the procedure. Vulcanization is not recommended when the belt has worn out or worn unevenly. In general, it’s far more durable than the mechanical splice. Vulcanization splicing is typically done by those who have vast experience in adhesives. We also employ solvents and other materials for filling and covering. There are two types of vulcanization. These are according to the following:

  • Hot Vulcanization

The process of forming hot vulcanization is making use of heat and pressure by through heated presses. The method for splicing is extremely efficient, but it can be laborious. It can be used with any kind of belt that come in various widths and thicknesses. This method of creating belts creates durable long-lasting, durable splices. Similar to other techniques that require the splicing of belts.

  • Cold Vulcanization

The Cold Vulcanization is a safe joining method that makes use of chemicals to connect the rubber’s ends. This procedure requires skilled hand tools along with the best bonding agents.

Final Words

The two splicing methods for conveyor belts require a variety of complicated steps. This is why they must be carried out by a skilled worker. The company who performs the splicing needs to be able explain the benefits and drawbacks of every splicing technique. Also, we should be able to discern the kind of splicing method that is suitable to the belt conveyor.
If you’re looking for new belts, you must ensure that the splicing equipment you’re using is in good functioning order. To be sure you’re safe buy a second-hand or second hand conveyor belt through a reliable hot splicing company, which provides the best quality conveyor belts designed to handle the material.

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