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Wingsuit Pilot from Italy Broad Cast his own Death, read more Technical Reviews

A live stunt ended into tragedy and he lost his life, forever. This amazing wingsuit pilot announced his jump live to his Facebook followers. He broad cast his jump, daring jump rather but unfortunately crashed and died. His body was found at Kandersteg , Switzerland, a really amazing location to jump.

28-year old ma^148F502CF4FCCFD7CBCF69FE8E4A3BDA00CEF9CA001EA5A58B^pimgpsh_thumbnail_win_distrde his death a live shock to everyone’s face by his video. It is tough to do something of your own interest and face death. He may be an ideal for others because most of the people out the

re don’t even know about what they want in their lives. And keep pushing their lives without any intention and finally end up in nothing. So, this guy did something to inspire us all and we can learn something if we want.

Internet sources found by our latest technical team for reviewing the scenario about this amazing person got to know that his action was hilarious and live. It was time to get goosebumps after hearing his last cry and everyone on the Facebook were socked. It was moment of horror for his family, his friends and yes of course for his fb followers as well.

If online sources are to be believed then he was an experienced sky diver and used to jump with wingsuit once a year.

The technical reviews says that his parachute didn’t work at the right moment and laid to severe injuries on the head, consequently he could only took his last breaths. So guys put your comments below and lets know your feelings about this wingsuit pilot who lost his life, giving us his broad cast video.

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