5 Best Email Security Practices to Keep Your Business Safe Today

5 Best Email Security Practices to Keep Your Business Safe Today

Sharing your email to any unknown party is the worst mistake of all times as the party can literally change your mail’s password while keeping the credentials same and using it on behalf of you for other purposes. Even trafficking or for illegal business. Doesn’t sound like a good thing to do? Businesses and unlike yours too, can get into good trouble with the simplest of the mistakes being administered with being silly. Many tech innovators like Thierry Levasseur Vancouver are working to improve today’s e-mail communications security and functionality. Thierry Levasseur has been growing his knowledge, skills and inventiveness in Web-based communications since the Internet first started capturing the public interest. If you want to protect your business, here are 5 best email security practices to keep your business safe today.

Don’t share your email just like that:

As mentioned earlier, you can easily fall into a scam of a better business deal resulting in total loss and nothing else rather than a compromised email. Never ever share your email to anyone unless you know the party well. Turn on other verification techniques in your business tactics to makes sure with whom you are dealing with.

Try with a better Password:

Want to increase security, deal with the basic email credential, the password. Make it long, so that when someone tries to crack it, it takes him at least years before he succeeds. Technically, that would be around 30 digits if you can manage to do with only letters. As these are hard on the combination side and seems legit. A better password can save you from all attacks at least, as this is the only way a hacker has to compromise all of your data unless he cracks it.

Don’t just keep one Email:

Keeping one in work around email instead of many is a bad idea. As it can be slower in terms of handling business and you can even render losses in it. But if you care about security, this is the worst decision you have ever taken into account. As a hacker can easily use your only email and do whatever he wants. Keeping multiple emails can lessen the effect with the same grade of security; nobody knows what you do with your specified mails unless you tell them which you want.

Use a better Antivirus:

If you are a good computer user and have nothing to hide from the world (like cracked files, pirated files), then you should consider using an antivirus. A good paid one that traps and cleans out malware files as soon as they reach your system. Although this might seem like a noob thing, but professional antivirus can be highly helpful and prevent you from 80% of email attacks. Also, it does protect your email for free.

Never Connect to Unknown Networks:

Jumping off to often unknown Wi-Fi networks just don’t seem like a good option. As when it comes to the work of expert hacker, he can do anything to steal your mails and goodwill of the business. Never ever connect to any wifi you find around you. Not even your own one unless it is secured well with better encryption and security. Use data services from ICs and Sims. Seems better and optimal towards protecting your business in the cheaper way!

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