Not every expensive car requires expensive maintenance. Similarly, not all cheap cars offer cheap maintenance. The price of the car is not just what you pay while buying it. You have to consider various other factors including its gas usage, mileage coverage, maintenance, and repairs. Although automobile maintenance is a part of owning it, low maintenance cars are always a feasible option to look for. Cars That Require Low Maintenance– Car experts and professional engine rebuilders in The UK have claimed and verified these cars to be the best for being low maintenance.

Fiat Punto

After a detailed assessment, thousands of best recondition engine experts and garage mechanics have revealed that Fiat Punto is the best car in terms of maintenance. The annual maintenance and repair cost for this car is only £255. Only 1 in 28 cars needed a repair in the time of 12-months according to the records.

Peugeot 206

Peugeot 206 supermini comes next in the list of the best low maintenance cars. The car is already affordable and has shown unexpected results with maintenance and repair bills. After testing this car for 12-months based on its price, regular maintenance, and Mot, the annual maintenance cost was only £283. This car was among the models that spend the least time in the garage for repairs.

Toyota Camry

Toyota Camry is another reliable car to buy when you are planning to face lesser repairs. This car is known for its low maintenance for which people are still depending on it. Camry’s four-cylinder model is considered the best because it hardly needs any maintenance. The annual maintenance cost for this car is estimated to be £198.

Toyota Corolla

Although Toyota Corolla was launched back in 1996, you can still see it running on the roads. Millions of people have bought this car ever since it is introduced. Its low maintenance, easy availability of replacement parts, and cheap repairs have made it one of the most loved cars

Honda Accord

If you are planning to buy Honda Accord, you will be delighted to know how affordable its maintenance is. This car has a high resale price along with a longer lifetime. You will rarely feel the need to spend on its maintenance as this beauty know how to maintain itself.


Who said you cannot buy a luxury car without worrying about the after-expenses? AudiA4 is the car you should choose if you need a luxury vehicle with low maintenance. Cars That Require Low Maintenance– The turbocharged engine of this car is the key feature that makes it sturdy. Both the parts and service cost of this car is reasonable.

What Makes A Car Low Maintenance?

Many factors determine how much the car will require to be maintained. If a car has a complex structure where you find it hard to reach the parts, its labour cost will increase. Moreover, cars with complicated technology are more likely to need regular maintenance. The simpler the car is the lesser it needs to be maintained. Another important thing to consider is the affordable and easy availability of the replacement parts. Hard to find replacement parts need more care and maintenance.

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