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Why Video Contribution Is Replacing Webcasts? Hint: Link Lies Between Video Feeds And Low Latency

People are viewing content not only at home but also on the road, during meetings, enterprise satellite offices and across remote locations. This is just a minuscule snapshot of video contribution which requires immense planning before it is telecast. Many enterprises are opting for video feeds over webcasts to communicate internally for a good reason.

As visual media is gaining popularity, which applications will be right for your company? Video technologies have come of age and there is a solution that fits your requirement. And why is the spotlight on low latency that makes videos popular? Let’s find out.

The Term – Video Contribution:

Content is delivered to end users in various ways. A broadcaster offers a service that links a satellite or a linear distribution network through which the content reaches the viewers. The program can be relayed from a studio or a region outside where broadcast vans are used. It is uplinked to the main center via signals to the broadcaster. The same can also be relayed from a remote source where an event is happening. The uplink base is used to resend the content to various users via DTH or even via cable networks depending on the contracts signed between the copyright holders.

Application From The Enterprise Perspective:

The use of visual media to communicate is fragmented in individual departments. However, in the case of meetings which involve all employees, video communications are common. The managements of several companies are moving away from webcasts toward video distribution as it is more impactful in giving the message across. Having already started this method of communication some people have experienced a few hiccups and latency is a common problem. But there is a way around it to make the (video) workflow easier and acceptable. It often happens when a live telecast occurs. To understand how latency affects a live session, imagine you are watching a newscast where a panel of experts is speaking from various locations. Due to the delay in uplink or connecting signals to a particular region, the panelists land up speaking simultaneously and the viewers are unable to understand them. This is a perennial problem that occurs while broadcasting ‘breaking news’ and information is required instantly. In the case of an enterprise, latency affects when speakers from diverse regions try to communicate and have a dialog. Interruptions can be time consuming and affect the quality of streaming ability. Hence, the application has to be tackled by the experts to ensure smooth viewing avoiding the time lag that is created by the latency. The goal of technicians involved is to reduce this ‘time lag’.

Imagine the excellence achieved if the video distribution during an annual stakeholder meeting finishes without a hitch.

Bandwidth For Sharing Has Increased:

Video technology is being used externally and internally successfully and often on-demand. It is no longer the expert domination of media departments and creative agencies. Now almost every department of a large enterprise requires it for communication with the teams. It is cost-effective and saves time too. Employees are used to posting videos on social networks and have embraced the application. Transmitting and receiving videos have entered a new era with remote contribution possibilities and they are more effective than webcasts. As low latency is achieved by experts for live events, it works well for enterprises as delay time is reduced in the video feeds. Employees can be on the move and yet manage to be a part of the live event through the device or screen of their choice. They can share the content as even the space for bandwidth has become larger.

Low Latency For Streaming:

When videos are distributed to many sources, there are chances that some locations may have weak signals and receive the same with interruptions. Currently, a 30-45 second delay is acceptable but anything more than that can break communication channels. At the enterprise level, a video chat may get interrupted and be a cause for concern due to delay in links or streaming. With technical expertise, the delay time can be reduced to 150 milliseconds. This is about 1/7th of a second and does not create awkward pauses during video chats.

When opting for such a solution chooses a streaming protocol that will have:

  • Encoding facility for compatibility with the device and player
  • Reaching remote employees and geographical range of video distribution
  • Hi-def resolution and good picture quality
  • Complexity of uplinking and redistribution of the feed
  • Reliable protocols like HTTP streaming are preferred
  • Opt for customized feeds and flexibility with latency
  • Consider cloud-based or server infrastructure for streaming live

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